Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lucid Dreaming

Have you ever had a dream where you know your dreaming, so you take control of everything? Well, that's lucid dreaming. I've been lucky enough to experience it once. I don't know how I was able to become lucid, but it was quite strange how I became aware that I was dreaming. My sister actually told me I was dreaming, and I was like "Really?", and she replied "Yes". I realized that she was right and I did everything and anything I wanted! Til I woke up...

Becoming Lucid is like no feeling you get from any sort of drug (I've never done drugs but I hear becoming lucid is better than any drug experience). I mean in dreams you're not bound to any rules or laws that you have in real life. You can be just you, and do anything. Sadly I've only experienced this once and it was a long time ago. However last night I did some research about becoming Lucid, and have decided to train my brain to be aware of when I'm dreaming.

This marks a milestone in my life I would say. The reason I decided to take control of my dreams is because last night I became very unhappy, because I'm believe I am stuck on a path in college, with something I don't want to pursue (art). I honestly can say that art is not my passion, and I DON'T have ANY passion in life.... this depresses me because everyone around me seems to know exactly what they want in life. I mean I am happy in real life, but I suppose there is something else I want. And in my dreams I hope I am able to reach out and grab it. Enter another state of mind perhaps, and figure things out about myself that I might not have known otherwise. Heh. Well, I guess that's all there is I want to say for now.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Good News


February 11, 2009 — The recently announced Left 4 Dead Downloadable Content (L4D DLC) will be delivered to Xbox 360 and PC gamers free of charge.

Due for release this spring, the DLC for 2008's best-selling new game property on the PC and Xbox 360, is dubbed the L4D Survival Pack and introduces a new multiplayer game mode entitled, Survival, plus two complete campaigns for Versus Mode (Death Toll, Dead Air). A Critic's Choice Edition of the game will be heading to retail stores this spring, and will include access to all the content introduced in the L4D: Survival Pack.

Left 4 Dead is a survival action game from Valve that blends the social entertainment experience of multiplayer games such as Counter-Strike and Team Fortress with the dramatic, narrative experience made popular in single player action game classics such as the Half-Life series of games. Released in November of 2008, L4D has earned over 25 industry awards from outlets around the world.

For more information, please visit

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Left 4 Dead Fun

lol wut?

Add ImageHere we see the Tank playing Mozart's 40th Symphony.

Yes. That's a Teddybear.
The tank really does have a soft side...